1964 economy

[39], Seizing the opportunity caused by Johnson's departure from the race, Robert Kennedy then joined in and ran for the nomination on an antiwar platform that drew support from ethnics and blacks. Asian Survey, 4(10), 1115–1121. The success of Japanese athletes in 1964 subsequently led to the establishment of sports clubs and training centres and played an important part in spreading sports throughout the country. Since the Soviet Union had become bitterly hostile to China since the Cultural Revolution, both nations decided that, regardless of political and ideological differences, the saying "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" held true. Lau, A. Lau, A. To some extent, fear of foreign attack diminished with the advent of independence in Portuguese Africa in 1975 and in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) in 1980. : RSING 959.57 CLU C-[HIS])3. Only a tiny handful of Ivy League graduates numbered among the 58,000 US servicemen killed or wounded in the eight years between 1965 and 1973. (1964, July 13). During the early years of independence, Zambia was comparatively prosperous. For this purpose, National Strategic Economic Growth Areas is about to be made fully operational. 1910, Netherlands–d. By the 1960s, not only were the industrialized nations now competing for increasingly scarce raw commodities, but Third World suppliers were increasingly demanding higher prices. [citation needed] Marches, parades, rallies, boycotts, and pickets brought out thousands, sometimes millions; Friedan's Women's Strike for Equality (1970) was a nationwide success. [43][44] There was also a disconnect between the older, relatively conservative Betty Friedan and the younger feminists, many of whom favored left-wing politics and radical ideas such as forced redistribution of jobs and income from men to women. The morality of conflict continued to be an issue, and incidents such as the My Lai Massacre further eroded support for the war and increased efforts of Vietnamization. . (Eds.).

Motion for inquiry into disturbances. These underlying problems set the stage for conservative reaction, a more aggressive foreign policy, and a retreat from welfare-based solutions for minorities and the poor that would characterize the subsequent decades. In 1967, the Summer of Love, an event in San Francisco where thousands of young people loosely and freely united for a new social experience, helped introduce much of the world to the culture. The great majority of Americans were “unyoung, unpoor, and unblack; they [are] middle-aged, middle class, and middle minded.” It was not a scenario from which dissidents could take much comfort.’[49], Riding on high approval ratings, Nixon was re-elected in 1972, defeating the liberal, anti-war George McGovern in a landslide with all states except Massachusetts. AMERICAN ECONOMY THE year 1964 was one of strong expansion in the American economy. However, the economy revived after I shot “three arrows”: an aggressive monetary policy; a flexible fiscal policy; and a growth strategy to encourage private investment. In response, the PAP sent a team of candidates to contest the. The first series of riots started on 21 July during a Muslim procession held to celebrate the, Prior to the outbreak of communal riots in 1964, political tensions had been building up between the PAP government in Singapore and the UMNO-led Alliance government in Malaysia as a result of electoral competition. (2003). Shortages of gasoline and the local pump made the energy crisis a local reality. J. Lull, and S. Hinerman, "The search for scandal' in J. Lull & S. Hinerman, eds. (Call no. The communal riots of 1964 refer to two separate series of race riots involving clashes between Malays and Chinese that occurred in Singapore when it was part of the Federation of Malaysia. In April, the government reduced the corporate tax rate by 2.4 percentage points. Relations with that country had been largely hostile since the Korean War, and the United States still maintained that the Nationalist regime in Taiwan was the legitimate government of China. (Call no. Only the huge General Motors managed to continue with business as usual. : RSING 305.80095957 BEY), . Humphrey, with a coalition of state organizations, city bosses such as Mayor Richard Daley, and labor unions, won the nomination and ran against Republican Richard Nixon and independent George Wallace in the general election. The ... Benedict Tan Chi’ Loong (Dr) (b. Singapore: Eastern Universities Press, pp. The automobile industry faced a precipitous decline during the 1970s due to climbing inflation, energy prices, and complacency during the long years of prosperity in the 50s–60s. (Call no. Japan has recently reached substantive agreement on the EPA with Australia. The OECD Southeast Asia Regional Programme is also scheduled to be launched at this year’s Ministerial Council Meeting. To cynics, these agreements appeared to be little more than a license for unlimited Soviet espionage and theft of military and industrial secrets. Nixon and his advisers had a poor understanding of the complexities of the global economy (Henry Kissinger once confessed that economics were mostly a blank spot to him) and all of them belonged to the generation that came of age during the New Deal era and believed strongly in government intervention in the economy. Emphasizing the energy crisis, President Carter mandated restrictions on speed limits and the heating of buildings. Having lost the race to the Moon, the Soviets shifted their attention to orbital space stations, launching the first (Salyut 1) in 1971. Johnson's primary commitment was to his domestic policy, so he tried to minimize public awareness and congressional oversight of the operations in the war. Retrieved from NewspaperSG.Seok’s men blamed for trouble in Geylang area. Like most of Richard Nixon's policies, detente was opportunistic and based around short-term, immediate goals rather than a long-term strategic vision. Never in my wildest dreams. Heale, M. J. The hippie culture, which emphasized peace, love and freedom, was introduced to the mainstream. (1964, July 24). 41–64).Singapore: Eastern Universities Press, p. 47. McGovern was ridiculed as the candidate of "acid, amnesty, and abortion" and on Election Day, Nixon carried every state except Massachusetts. ), (pp. The Straits Times, p. 1.

Carter undertook various populist measures such as walking to the Capitol for his inauguration and wearing a sweater in the Oval Office to encourage energy conservation. One major electricity company in each region has monopolised the whole process of generation, transmission and retailing of electricity in Japan. Kwa, C. G., Heng, D., & Tan, T. Y. : RSING 959.5705 LAU-[HIS]), . PAP leaders claimed that the attack on the constable had occurred near the PAP contingent in the procession so that blame could be laid on the PAP for starting the riots. Japan is overcoming deflation. : RSING 959.5705 LAU-[HIS]), . A moment of anguish: Singapore in Malaysia and the politics of disengagement.

Notable X-rated films that were widely screened in the early 1970s (provoking much public controversy, and in some states, legal prosecution) include Deep Throat, The Devil in Miss Jones, and Last Tango in Paris, starring Marlon Brando, whose performance was nominated for an Academy Award. Revelation after revelation astonished the nation, providing very strong evidence that Nixon had planned the cover-up of the burglary to protect his own reelection campaign.

Nixon, once a staunch supporter of Chiang Kai-shek, came increasingly to believe in restoring relations with the Communist government by the late 1960s. The FBI's extensive surveillance programs also became exposed to the public during the '70s. The Government of Singapore Investment Corporation (originally GSIC, now known as GIC) is a private investment company ... Ong Pang Boon (b.

[9][10], The common thread was a growing distrust of government to do the right thing on behalf of the people. The Straits Times, p. 4. However he did manage to secure large-scale funding for South Vietnam, much of which was wasted. Communal violence in Singapore. Civil unrests Carter's responses to the crisis, from a "Rose Garden strategy" of staying inside the White House to the failed military attempt to rescue the hostages, did not inspire confidence in the administration by the American people. Retrieved from NewspaperSG.Back to work. In 1979, Carter allowed the former Iranian Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi into the United States for medical treatment. (Call no. Racial Riots, Singapore, 1964 A "cultural war" was emerging as a triangular battle among conservatives, liberals, and the New Left, involving such issues as individual freedom, divorce, sexuality, and even topics such as hair length and musical taste. However, renewed clashes between Chinese and Malays on the evening of 6 August saw the police force remobilised the next morning.

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