arius and alexander

Alexander claims that Jesus was both divine and human, which is something that a follower of Jesus cannot achieve. The Ecclesiastical History of Scholasticus. But how was one to understand it? The Sabellian form had been condemned as heresy in the 3rd century by Pope Calixtus. Arius, however, was not ready to give up without a fight, and went to …

And everything you give goes to charity! 2:6-8). But if you say that in eternity past God begot his Son, that would mean that at that point he had become a Father. Because God is one-handed and it’s opposite is right handed, then therefore God must now be left handed. Thompson. “It was then Saturday, and Arius was expecting to assemble with the church on the day following: but divine retribution overtook his daring criminalities. The Dispute of Arius with Alexander, his Bishop.

When Alexander accused Arius of denying the second and third person of the Godhead, Arius accused Alexander of Sabellian tendencies. Biblioth. Today more than ever as I can recall, there is evangelical emphasis on Jesus being God, which has again ignited the conscience of Bible scholars to grapple with explaining to themselves the apparent mystery of Him Jesus also being the Son of God and Son of man. Now *that* would be great. All comments will be moderated by the post author before release. I just read Dr. Martin’s introductory discussion on the “New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary” website. Alexander says that his position Jesus is both fully human and fully divine is inarguably defended by the scriptures.

You’ll give so much.

7. The church tried to assert that the Holy Trinity consisted of three separate but equal parts of God. The same with his becoming a father.

In contrast with Arius’s argument which appealed to logic, Alexander’s belief was largely reliant on the presupposition of the nature of God and Christ being eternal. If you mean “a divine being” then please just say that from the start, consistently. Many dissenting theologians have been accused in a similar manner, as orthodox followers believed heretics did not embrace the whole tradition. Or was he “off” about so many other things that it’s likely he hadn’t bothered to do much research?

[120] hupostasin. Perhaps simple human nature.

Consider for mailbag: Bart, what would Christianity look like today if Arius and his followers had won out? [7], Because the controversy continued to spread, in 325 Emperor Constantine held the first Council of Nicaea with an agenda to prosecute Arius.
Why do you think that is? The First Council of Nicaea . Arius. – 1 Timothy 3:16 Bishop Alexander had apparently asked the various priests in his church of Alexandria to explain a key passage of Scripture, possibly (we don’t know for sure) Proverbs 8 (which you should read!) The Ecclesiastical Histories of Socrates Scholastics. [48][49], The Homoians taught that the Son is similar to the Father, either "in all things" or "according to the scriptures," without speaking of substance. That seems like a non sequitur.

Anyway, his point is that there are two separate forms of truth: theological truths and historical truths. He grew up in Alexandria. That could be interpreted by some as though Jesus was a separate god, still created by God the father, but still very similar to some polytheistic ideas, where gods can give birth to other gods.

Soon after a faintness came over him, and together with the evacuations his bowels protruded, followed by a copious hemorrhage, and the descent of the smaller intestines: moreover portions of his spleen and liver were brought off in the effusion of blood, so that he almost immediately died. There was the philosophical belief, espoused by Arius in his letter to Alexander of Alexandria, that Christ was created by God. Jesus followers understandably looked up to him. What I find most fascinating (and what most religious scholars appear to me to be ignoring) is *why* it was so important for the church to see Jesus the Christ as such a powerful being — as opposed to merely an important intercessor, like how, say, the Muslims see Muhammed.

Arius’ subordination of Jesus to God caused much controversy in Alexandria, and Bishop Alexander issued a harsh rebuttal to Arius’ dissenting opinions. The scene of this catastrophe still is shown at Constantinople, as I have said, behind the shambles in the colonnade: and by persons going by pointing the finger at the place, there is a perpetual remembrance preserved of this extraordinary kind of death.” Speculative and, as they would say in a courtroom trial, “Goes to motive.” I don’t think anybody needed “to make him higher and higher” in order to hold on to the truth of his teachings. He then accuses them of distorting the tradition by only focusing on select verses in order to allow the scripture to fit their own agenda. Many of the most outspoken supporters of the Creed of Nicaea walked out.
Now we’re getting close to worshipping him. Where does the Holy Spirit fit into Arius’ view of God. Both were from Alexandria, Arius a distinguished churchman and scholar and Athanasius a brilliant theologian.… I decided in the debate *not* to start at the beginning, for example, with the teachings of Jesus, his understandings of himself, the views of his disciples and so on. The deep divisions created by the disputes were an ironic consequence of Emperor Constantine's efforts to unite Christianity and establish a single, imperially approved version of the faith during his reign. If Christ was created by God the Father, was the Holy Spirit created after Christ? You can help too! In 336, a church trial at Constantinople deposed Marcellus and condemned his doctrines. I discuss it in my book, How Jesus Became God!

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