sullenly in a sentence

She turned her back to him and stared sullenly out of the window. She was sometimes sullen, cross and complained of headaches, and my friends began to notice. Vinnie was as sullen as a three-year-old. All that the Dutch asked was directly or indirectly granted, and Maurice felt obliged to give a reluctant and somewhat sullen assent to the favourable conditions obtained by the firm and skilful diplomacy of the advocate. 35 37 The hall porter sullenly pulled a bell that rang upstairs, and turned away. sullen. The Conservatives were, therefore, sullenly discontented with the conduct of their leader. When my toddler is sullen, he can usually be cheered by music.

; 8. When Carmen asked if she had more current pictures of her family, Katie grew sullen. In the following year (337) Philip was in the Peloponnesus, and a congress of the Greek states at the Isthmus (from which, however, Sparta held sullenly aloof) recognized Philip as captain-general for the war against Persia. For example: "Angela. Then he took his seat sullenly at the wheel again. 8. Sometimes sullen, childish and occasionally downright churlish, you've been known to try the patience of your loved ones! All rights reserved | Email: [email protected], They appeared to regard him sullenly barely speaking and hardly looking in his direction, He turned to gaze with cool appraisal at his secretary sitting, He led the way followed by an ebullient Christina and Elaine with James, The next afternoon as Archer before dinner sat smoking, Maisie was sitting in front of the television glaring, Old Jack had declined to take his darts and sat, I sat huddled on the steps my cheeks resting, In the coal shaft the working - men pushed the coal cars, The island is a J - shaped lump of rock rising, After that Liu rode his horse away returning home, Her father who had just finished his dinner obeyed sullenly and I heard the door of the back parlour—a little room where the daughters sat and sewed during the evening—shut to behind the men, Distressed by their great loss the people continued forward, 32 sentence examples: 1. Jackson replied sullenly in the negative. He led the way, followed by an ebullient Christina and Elaine, with James, 21. 4. She sullenly glanced back at the group of men.

; 7. Learn more. The most cynical man of the world, he says, with whatever " sullen incredulity " he may repudiate virtue as a hollow pretence, cannot really refuse his approbation to " discretion, caution, enterprise, industry, frugality, economy, good sense, prudence, discernment "; nor again, to " temperance, sobriety, patience, perseverance, considerateness, secrecy, order, insinuation, address, presence of mind, quickness of conception, facility of expression.". In most cases, Cancer and Aries provide aggressive and sullen relationships for Capricorn. My attempts to talk to my angry son were met by his sullen silence. 148. The young man walked quickly to where they stood eyeing him sullenly. 240. sullenly Sentence Examples She sullenly glanced back at the group of men. Short Example Sentence for Sullenly . 1. He peered sullenly from under the brim of his hat. implore. That Alexander's reign, which began with so large a promise of amelioration, ended by riveting still tighter the chains of the Russian people was, however, due less to the corruption and backwardness of Russian life than to the defects of the tsar himself. Examples of Sullen in a sentence. He had no reason to be and it wasn't like him to be so sullen. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Maine offers a number of vacation destinations that'll ensure fun for the entire family--even those sullen teenagers. Like the latter, too, the Aymaras are sullen and apathetic in disposition. The husband came up and sullenly asked his wife what she was talking about. He looked down at the fragments before him, and then, Overland, watching and listening from his hiding-place, grinned as the constable, As it was, he turned and ironically saluted the, Jaquetta really had come to a warm tender love for her, but she, I addressed several questions to the boy, but the urchin looked, Clouds of black vapour, eddying and seething, issued from the nozzles and rose, And again the boat was flying down in midstream, the leaden waters, shot with gold of the morning sun, parting.

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