why do we say sick as a dog

why do they say sick as a dog why does my dog eat grass and then be sick Why Dogs Eat Grass and Tips on How To Train Them To StopDetermining Why Your Dog Eats Grass. Theory 2: A dog who runs around very excited is lacking in mental and physical exercise and, in most cases, leadership as well. Dogs have been associated with several negative connotations in terms of speech. :shrug: we guys would say to each other, "You're about a dog", meaning like a schmuck. Forum Categories Messages posted on the Democratic Underground Discussion Forums are the It makes no sense. Other phrases of this type include: “dog-tired”, “dog’s breakfast” and saying that things have “gone to the dogs”. theme, sick as a dog and sick are a parrot, are the major survivors into the modern age. If you enjoyed this site or a particular article, be sure to share the joy! Most etymologists agree that it dates back to the 1700s (1705 being the most-often quoted date), and one reference on the internet claims that the Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms dates it even further back to the 1500s. Click Etymology: based on the full form of the phrase happy as a clam in mud at high tide (= a clam that cannot be dug up and eaten, which therefore could be considered happy), http://raivynnsroost.blogspot.com/2007/01/sick-as-dog-and-other-odd-phrases.html, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FtXf8MGFns, http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/happy+as+a+clam. Donate via PayPal. Tweet, facebook, pin, instagram, reddit and everything else! Look it up now! Some can be simply a mild case and can be healed by simple home remedies, while others can be a sign of a serious medical condition. A There are several expressions of the form sick as a ..., that date from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. If you have any ideas for "Why do I"s, or if you'd like to write a guest post, or if you just want to say "hi! If you see your dog showing worrying symptoms, then you should immediately get it diagnosed and checked by a vet. Term for being incredably under the weather. Required fields are marked *, You may use these HTML tags and attributes:

. linguistically speaking dogs have always had bad press, Dogs dinner, dog tired, dog eat dog etc At various times cats, rats and horses have been also dragged in to the expression, though an odd thing is that horses can’t vomit; one nineteenth-century writer did suggest that this version was used “when a person is exceedingly sick without vomiting”. The term came to be because dogs are notoriously constantly ill. see sarcasm ... Get a Sick as a dog mug for your friend James. page. Clams don't really seem to have any real expression at all so I can't imagine how one could tell if they were happy or morose. Thank you for sharing this. This appears to be one of the less well-researched phrases in our language, though it seems to be agreed by etymologists that it is a fairly old phrase. It was attached to a dog, I would guess, because dogs often seem to have been linked to things considered unpleasant or undesirable; down the years they have had an incredibly bad press, linguistically speaking (think of dog tired, dog in the manger, dog’s breakfast, go to the dogs, dog Latin — big dictionaries have long entries about all the ways that dog has been used in a negative sense). I've had my pooch for 15 years now, and only once has he been "puke" sick. But it makes me feel a lot better.

Sick as a dog is actually the oldest of them, recorded from 1705; it is probably no more than an attempt to give force to a strongly worded statement of physical unhappiness. ... Cliché very sick; sick and vomiting. The whole family was sick as dogs. All rights reserved. For this reason their various bad habits are far more likely to be documented in language than other animals, and we are far more likely to link their behaviour and feelings to describe how we’re feeling. World Wide Words is copyright © Michael Quinion, 1996–.

Page created 10 Jun. What does sick as a dog expression mean? There are a lot of factors and theories regarding dog vomiting. Important Notices: By participating on this discussion Other words sites In this time period, dogs were not seen as the human companions they are now. Affixes dictionary. :shrug: Edited on Sun Jan-25-09 12:05 PM by Gormy Cuss.   |-- Editorials & Other Articles This is another way in which we humanize a dog's behavior. But does Note: Do not confuse excitement in a dog for happiness.  |  Contact Us  |  Privacy Policy. Therefore, being sick as a dog is being so sick that tomorrow has no meaning and all you can think about is how miserable you feel now. Thanks. Software has been extensively modified by the DU administrators.  |  Donate, About DU ", you can contact me at. board, visitors agree to abide by the rules outlined on our Rules Copyright © Michael Quinion, 1996–. The modern sick as a parrot recorded from the 1970s — at one time much overused by British sportsmen as the opposite of over the moon — refers to a state of deep mental depression rather than physical illness; this perhaps comes from instances of parrots contracting psittacosis and passing it to their human owners. Cookies and privacy   |-- Latest Breaking News The term came to be because dogs are notoriously constantly ill. see sarcasm.
Sick as a dog - Idioms by The Free Dictionary. Note: This site is working in affiliation with Amazon.com (for USA visitors) and The Nutri Centre (for UK visitors).

the opinions of Democratic Underground, LLC. Its good as your other posts , appreciate it for putting up. Sick as a dog is actually the oldest of them, recorded from 1705; it is probably no more than an attempt to give force to a strongly worded statement of physical unhappiness.

Whose idea was that? I could Google it, but that would require me caring enough to do so.

This website is also an affiliate with Zazzle, AllPosters.com and Cafepress, and runs adverts from Google Adsense. Select your currency from the list and click Donate. If we want emphasis, we should say things like, "I'm so sick I'm unable to stand without barfing" or something along those lines. Why do we say someone is “as sick as a dog”? Why Do You Say Sick As A Dog - Official Site. The answer seems to be unclear, although it may be linked to the fact that dogs are one of the best-observed creatures since they are such common pets. But historically cats, rats and even horses have been used in the phrase. Why do we say someone is “as sick as a dog”? It depends entirely on the color, smell, and if theres blood in it. All rights reserved.This page URL: http://www.worldwidewords.org/qa/qa-sic1.htmLast modified: 10 June 2000.  |  Discussion The phrase “sick as a dog” is credited as first being used back in 1705, probably in Europe. The question is: Why are dogs associated with all these negative things?

  |-- Archives Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. However, I also think it's because dogs can outdo pretty much any animal in the looking-sad department, and when you're really sick you feel as sad as a dog can look.

Forums  |  Journals |  Store New words appear; old ones fall out of use or alter their meanings. Example: "Sorry, but I am not going to be able to come in to work today. Sick as a dog definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. LLC, you will then understand what "sick as a dog" truly means, You are much too sick to do the things a normal person does when you are as sick as a dog. Your email address will not be published. I'm as sick as a dog.". Timing origin aside, why do we compare ourselves to dogs of all creatures when we’re sick? On the other hand, cats can out-puke dogs hands-down, and kittens can out-sad-eyes any dog or puppy at least 90% of the time, but no one is ever 'sick … Why bring dogs into it? One of the most difficult things for grass eating dog owners, is identifying why their dog eats grass. The English language is forever changing.   |-- Political Videos However, I also think it's because dogs can outdo pretty much any animal in the looking-sad department, and when you're really sick you feel as sad as a dog can look. My Forums, Powered by DCForum+ Version 1.1 Copyright 1997-2002 DCScripts.com Sally was as sick as a dog and couldn't go to the party. Got a message for Democratic Underground? Home Q From Ehud Maimon in Jerusalem: I would appreciate it if you could help me find the origin of the expression sick as a dog. opinions of the individuals who post them, and do not necessarily represent

Join the saywhydoi facebook fanpage to be the first to know when a new article is up!   |-- Places   |-- The DU Lounge Dogs are notorious for being merrily unselective in what they choose to munch, and are equally notorious for the after-effects of their feeding-fests. © 2001 - 2011 Democratic Underground, Actually, the expression used to be "happy as a clam at high water" unlike clams at low tide. 2000, Problems viewing this page? Most of the clams I've seen were ones I was eating anyway, and I can't imagine they'd be too happy about that. The strangest member of the set was used by Jonathan Swift in 1731: “Poor Miss, she’s sick as a Cushion, she wants nothing but stuffing” (stop laughing at the back). Nothing like cleaning up puddles of dog vomit after your pup found an unlocked snack drawer, or decided to eat that painted pasta-necklace your little sister made you last summer. When a dog gets sick, it has no concept of ‘I’ll feel better tomorrow’, it just feels utterly and thoroughly miserable in the moment. We've never been so ill.   |-- Ask the Administrators Big Forums   |-- DU Groups As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. See also: dog, sick. If you like a product that was recommended anywhere on this website, please consider buying these products via the links on this site, to help keep this website running. here to send us a message. This appears to be one of the less well-researched phrases in our language, though it seems to be agreed by etymologists that it is a fairly old phrase. Unless someone was trying to say they woke up every 3-4 hours crying until a boob was popped in their mouth, I really don't see how they slept like a baby.

Another theory: Dogs live in the moment, and pet owners have observed this trait for centuries. So please note that clickable pictures and links on this site may contain affiliate links that help the website owner keep this website running.

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