ignatius of antioch

Translation from the Ante-Nicene Fathers. We see the same sort of language in his epistle to the church at Philadelphia: Take care, therefore, to participate in one Eucharist (for there is one flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ, and one cup which leads to unity through his blood; there is one altar, just as there is one bishop, together with the presbytery and the deacons, my fellow servants), in order that whatever you do, you do in accordance with God (Holmes, ibid), 6. We come then to Ignatius’s doctrine of the person and work of Christ – his anti-docetic doctrine of the person and work of Christ. On arriving in Troas, he addressed three more letters: Transported across the Hellespont, he arrived in Neapolis and then on to Philippi (cf. The Jesus of the New Testament (see the entire book of Hebrews and then read it again and now read it again) and of the early church and of the ecumenical creeds is true God and true man. from Michael William Holmes, The Apostolic Fathers: Greek Texts and English Translations, Updated ed.

On the “Star Trek” Christology see the resources below. The Reformed churches, however, sought assiduously to recover the theology, piety, and practice of the ancient church. But God the Son united the flesh of a true human nature to his divine person in order to become the Godman, flesh yet spiritual, born yet unbegotten, God incarnate, genuine life in the midst of death, sprung from Mary as well as God.Letter to the Ephesians, 7.2, The incarnation is unto sinful man’s salvation: it was for our sakes that He suffered all this, to save us.Letter to the Smyrnaeans, 2, the One who became visible for our sakes, who was beyond touch and passion, yet who for our sakes became subject to suffering, and endured everything for us.Letter to Polycarp, 3.2.

Most students suggest a date around 110 A.D. for the bishop’s odyssey. One suspects that most Christians would be far more upset and the loss of “Like A Sloppy Wet Kiss” (or whatever the title is) and the therapeutic “message” than the loss of the Supper and prayer. Polycarp called widows an “altar of God” (4:3). These are clearly references to public worship. He addressed two or three themes consistently in his seven epistles. I was born and raised in the Roman Catholic Church, San Ignacio was highly venerated, honor, idolized, etc., like many other ancient church fathers in my family. He was also passionately devoted too the reality of the church and of the Christian life in the church. Our faith rests upon our Savior and Mediator who is true God and true man. Pliny’s letter and Trajan’s response may reflect only the local persecution in Bithynia and Pontus (in distinction from the later empire-wide persecution of Diocletian), but it alerts us to the viewpoint from which establishment paganism regarded Christianity. We are to avoid a church without a pastor and we are to receive the Supper, the eucharist, from the pastor. Thus they were in Jesus Christ’s unity.Letter to the Philadelphians, 5.2. But he also warns the churches about heretical errors creeping into the community of the saints. This is life eternal – union with the death and resurrection of Christ: That is whom I am looking for – the One who died for us. “Now note well those who hold heretical opinions about the grace of Jesus Christ that come to us, note how contrary they are to the mind of God. Romans 2:2. It is so for all believers – martyrs or not. Most likely, the prisoner traveled intermittently by ship and by foot: first by boat from Syria to Asia Minor; overland to Smyrna, then to Troas; by boat across the Aegean to Neapolis; thence to Philippi and west via the Egnatian Way to Dyrrhachium. Anonymous comments, posted without permission, are forbidden. One inducement to this condition is fanaticism; another may be an abnormal sense of victimization coupled with a resignation to suffering. In his seven epistles he shows virtually no concern for the broader world. Agree or disagree with him, Ignatius had a high view of the visible church. Letter to the Magnesians, 5. Anyone who denies that Jesus was and remains incarnate will become “disembodied and demonic” (2:1). Born in 1921 in Mhardeh in Syria’s Hama province, he pursued his studies at the American University of Beirut and soon entered the service of the local Orthodox diocese. (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1999). That collection has varied some but it represents some important early Christian writers.

The Ignatius, for all his faults, was a better picture of a shepherd of the flock than the celebrity culture cultivated in contemporary evangelicalism. In other words, allowing Ignatius to speak for himself (without the episcopal-colored glasses of later tradition), we discover that “bishop” and “presbyter/elder” are synonymous (as they are in the New Testament – cf. There he took ship across the Adriatic to Brundisium; and finally overland to the amphitheater (perhaps the Colosseum) in Rome. Yet persecution during the reign of Trajan did reach to Ignatius in Antioch. Each autumn term one of my responsibilities is to spend about half the semester helping a group of students to walk through the Apostolic Fathers, a collection of second-century Christian texts which was first compiled in the 17th century. Yet the incarnation is not only a wonderful testimony to salvation offered to sinners presently, it displays the rich over-arching redemptive plan of God for believers from the Old Testament era: And the Prophets, let us love them too, because they anticipated the gospel in their preaching and hoped for and awaited Him, and were saved by believing on Him. These statements explain the significance of the incarnation of God’s Son. There is no discontinuity between the saving work of Christ under the New Testament as compared to the Old. Titus 1:5, 7; I Timothy 3:1, 2; Acts 20:17, 28). My experience in evangelicalism and with evangelicals is that there is a good bit of docetism. Come fire, cross, battling with wild beasts, wrenching of bones, mangling of limbs, crushing of my whole body, cruel tortures of the devil – only let me get to Jesus Christ! He was really raised from the dead, for his Father raised him, just as his Father will raise us, who believe on him, through Christ Jesus. The pastoral office here is something like that conveyed in the Dutch word Dominee (Dominie). Notice the second, and equally important, mark of orthodoxy: participation in the “eucharist and prayer” (εὐχαριστίας καὶ προσευχῆς). It therefore appears too contrived to find hierarchical episcopacy in Ignatius’s term episkopos; even as it appears tendentious to read that nuance into Paul’s use of the word.

The Letters of Ignatius are greatly honored by the Church; they stress the importance of Church unity, dangers of heresy, and the importance of the Eucharist as the “medicine of immortality.” His writings contain the first surviving written description of the Church as “Catholic” (indicating the universality of the Church). That was certainly the doctrine of and dogma of Ignatius of Antioch. Ignatius of Antioch (Greek: Ἰγνάτιος Ἀντιοχείας) (c. 35 – c. 108), also known as Ignatius Theophorus (Ιγνάτιος ὁ Θεοφόρος), was the third bishop of Antioch.En route to Rome, where he met his martyrdom by being fed to wild beasts, he wrote a series of letters which have been preserved. He even cites Paul as the basis for his use of the phrase: “you have been united into the mysteries with Paul” (Letter to the Ephesians, 12.2). While Docetism may be reflected in the apostle John’s remarks (1 John 1:1-3; 4:2-3), Ignatius is the first clear post apostolic witness to the threat of this heresy – a heresy which would grow through its affiliation with Gnosticism. Christians are to follow the episkopos, which I argue is better understood here as pastor than “bishop,” as it is usually translated. By metonymy, the one thing is said to be the other. Those are the sorts of things that ought to animate us as we emerge from the Covid crisis into an increasingly hostile post-Christian culture. It was an organized body with offices and creeds.

It is also why the sacraments are so important to us. Usher’s case (published in 1644) was expanded incontrovertibly by J.B. Lightfoot and Theodor Zahn in the 19th century. You cannot have anything better than that.

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