david marks woodworking

David bandsaws a mahogany bentwood lamination in half for a student that is taking a class to build a replica of David’s Koa Lamp design from Woodworks episode #512. I prefer a slow setting Urea resin glue. Woodworking is about passion and guitar making is a form of that passion.

Marks studied art at Cabrillo College in Santa Cruz, California. Laying out the strips on a table covered with plastic makes for a faster method of rolling on the glue. The Festival had a down home, relaxed feel to it.

Kevin Russell is a musician and show promoter who lives in Seabastopol Calif.  Kevin is so passionate about guitars that he decided to stage the first Sebastopol Guitar Festival. David J.

John Knutson plays one of his guitars at the festival. Once everything was glued up, we joined the legs to the trunk and Phil could begin sculpting and shaping the legs. After that we routed a channel and glued in some 3/8th inch copper tubing for the wire. Beginning in the 90s, he has moved toward wood turning and sculpture. Through the 1980s, his focus was on one-of-a-kind furniture. This is a photo of the original lamp that I designed and built for Woodworks made from Koa. Bending wood opens up a world of design possibilities that enable one to create things that have flowing curved lines as opposed to the predictable flat planed designs that woodworking is usually associated with. The next step is to resaw the wood into thin strips, the mahogany needed to 1/16″ thick in order to bend to a tight radius. Larry had some of his instruments on display and I am always inspired everytime I see his work. Marks Blog Now Located at djmarks.com, Extending the Shelf Life of Your Finishing Products, The Benefits of Shellac for Restoring Wood Surfaces. Marks, cutting dovetail pins and tails on bandsaw, sculpting curves with die-grinder and hand tools, woodworking projects. Larry Robinson talks about his work at the Sebastopol Guitar Festival. Phil is using a pattern maker’s rasp to smooth and blend the shape of the legs.

The first step is to create a flat surface. David has 1 job listed on their profile. Tom Ribbecke, Maegen Wells, Stuart Day, David Marks, and Larry Robinson at the close of the 2013 Sebastopol Guitar Festival Larry will be teaching a class at my woodworking school here in Santa Rosa, CA on Shell Inlay on March 23 & 24, 2013.

Tom Ribbbecke, Master Luthier, and his shop foreman Stuart Day were on hand to answer questions about the amazing qualities of the arch top guitars they build. Tom has been designing and building guitars for over forty years. David Marks doing demonstrations at DWR . The wonderful melodies captured the attention of all that were within earshot. Marks is a woodworker living in Santa Rosa, California. David J. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover David… Tom Ribbecke, Maegen Wells, Stuart Day, David Marks, and Larry Robinson at the close of the 2013 Sebastopol Guitar Festival, Larry will be teaching a class at my woodworking school here in Santa Rosa, CA on Shell Inlay on March 23 & 24, 2013.
His craftsmanship and innate skills result in guitars best described as “extraordinary” and exceeding all expectations. Phil Crane from the Sacramento area took a class with me early November 2012 on how to make a bentwood laminated lamp from mahogany similar to the one I made on Woodworks episode #512. woodworking techniques, Veneer Work: Progress Report on Ocean Sculpture, Impressive Customer Review of WoodWorks Season 5 DVD, Follow Up to Turned Bowl with Ebony Rim Article: How to Glue On A Waste Block. Welcome to the David Marks Shop Tour! The process ironically begins with jointing the wood to create a flat surface. Phil’s completed lamp, ready for the finish. March 3, 2013 by David Marks in Woodworking and tagged chemical patination, gilding, patinas, woodturning | 1 Comment. Some of the people that work with Tom were on hand to talk about their work as well as Robert Lee,  another guitar maker who owns his own company. Phil Crane holding stack of glue coated laminates ready to go into the bending form.0. For info about scheduling a phone call with David to help you with your ... patina finish Resawing on the Bandsaw Sculpting a Bench Seat sculpting curves with die-grinder and hand tools step by step woodworking instruction Tool Cabinet turning a hollow vessel turning walnut bowl Vacuum Press Wood Finishes Woodworking Woodworking Fixes woodworking instruction woodworking projects woodworking … I finally decided to purchase one made from white Alabaster which seemed perfect for my design. Two of my fellow band members from “The Bench Doggs” are none other than Tom Ribbecke who is an incredible arch top guitar maker and Larry Robinson, one of the finest inlay artisits in the country, so I had to go out there and check out the festival to see what my friends were up to. I was fortunate to be able to capture some of the sounds of the festival when I walked into one of the display rooms. In 1981, he opened a studio in Santa Rosa with his cat Liz and his young daughter . Tom, Maegen, Stuart, myself and Larry were captured in this photo at the end of the Festival. His show was a huge influence on me personally and I know thousands of other woodworkers feel the … January 20, 2013 by David Marks in Bentwood Lamination, Furniture Making, Wood Lamp, Woodworking and tagged Bentwood Lamination, Furniture Making, glue up, koa, urea resin glue, woodlamp | 1 Comment Phil Crane from the Sacramento area took a class with me early November 2012 on how to make a bentwood laminated lamp from mahogany similar to the one I made on Woodworks episode #512. Nouveau Guitar is magnificent beyond description, This is a close up view of “Nouveau Guitar”, This is the incredibly beautiful back of the “Nouveau Guitar”. Stuart Day, Maegen Wells, Tom Ribbecke, Timmy Lovold, Frankie DiSouza, Mike Gutsch and Robert Lee, participate in panel discussion about their passion for guitar making. The brand I am using is Unibond 800. Woodworking is challenging enough but building a guitar requires making something out of wood that not only looks good but also sounds good. For a full class description and registration in, go the Classes Section of my website:        Classes Page, Here is the link to the Bench Doggs website where you can see me, Larry, Tom, and Chet playing rock & roll: The Bench Doggs, To see Tom Ribbecke’s guitars : Ribbecke Guitars, To see more of Larry Robinson’s inlay work: Robinson Custom Inlays. The wood has now taken on the shape of the bending form. Master Luthier Tom Ribbecke and his shop foreman Stuart Day. Take a look at the amazing detail work that Larry put into his “Nouveau Guitar”. I had 6 rotations, 2 on combining metal with wood, 2 on gilding turned vessels and 2 on creating patinas on vessels. Last summer, on our Gadget Station delivery trip, we decided to stop and visit the one and only David Marks. Receive notifications of new posts by email. Student Builds Bentwood Laminated Lamp Design from WoodWorks, David J. Master Guitarist Mike Dowling performed on stage and was captured in this brief video by Master Luthier Bruce Sexauer: A great time was had by all.

For full class descriptions & registration: 2019 CLASSES: HANDS ON GROUP CLASSES, For general class information on our location, registration & payment, cancellation policy, and travel info: GENERAL INFO ON GROUP CLASSES, To view pictures from previous classes:  CLASSES PHOTOS, For info about scheduling a phone call with David to help you with your
After much work with a pattern makers rasp and lots of sanding, Phil’s lamp is ready for the finish which he will apply at home in his own shop. Marks Blog Now Located at djmarks.com, Extending the Shelf Life of Your Finishing Products, The Benefits of Shellac for Restoring Wood Surfaces. Laminates are coated with urea resin glue. Here is Phil quite happy that we are ready to put the laminates in the bending form that I made on Woodworks. If you’re not familiar with David, he is an incredible woodworker/designer and used to host a show on HGTV and the DIY Network called Woodworks. My friends Richard Prenkert and John Knutson also had their guitars on display as well as many other great guitar makers. We used hot melt glue to hold the copper tubing in the channel. John Knutson, and Bill Iberti  were taking a break from exhibiting their work and found themselves playing some music with another musician. Last weekend I demonstrated at the Desert Woodturning Roundup in Mesa, Arizona. Phil is resawing mahogany into 1/16″ strips on my 36 inch bandsaw. project:  PHONE CONSULTS, Digital Downloads: WoodWorks Seasons 1 thru 7 Individual Episodes Digital Downloads $4.99 Each, Original Art Prints & Note Cards by David J. Our next challenge was to resaw the bentwood lamination in half which I did on my 36 inch bandsaw because of the wide curve. This is the original Koa bentwood laminated lamp that I designed and built for WoodWorks episode 512. The lamp shade was a challenge for me. After the glue has dried overnight at 70 degrees, we unclamped it and the wood retains the shape of the form. Receive notifications of new posts by email. View David Marks’ profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Guitar makers shared their creations with fellow makers, friends and guitar enthusiasts as well as others that were new to this genre and curious to see what is was all about.

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