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But let the brethren so give counsel with all subjection and humility that they presume not with any forwardness to defend what shall have seemed good to them; but rather let the decision depend upon the abbot’s discretion, so that he shall decide what is best, that they all may yield ready obedience: but just as it behoves the disciples to be obedient to the master, so also it becomes him to arrange all things prudently and justly. But let Compline be arranged with the recitation of three psalms, which psalms are to be recited straight on and without antiphon. in the Greek-Latin system comprises both ix. And in like manner let him suffer who is not present at that versicle which is recited after a meal. And if anyone shall have presumed to act otherwise, let him be subjected to the discipline of the rule.
6d. These are they who being by twos or threes, or indeed singly and without a pastor, enclosed not in the Lord’s but in their own sheepfolds, take for law their own whims, since whatever they think and choose they say is holy and whatever they dislike they esteem unlawful. And from the first of October until the beginning of Lent let them have reading time until the end of the second hour; and at the second hour let Terce be said and then all go to work until None at whatever is assigned them.

Groups, Saint Benedict, The Rule of St. Benedict, translated into English. We are therefore well taught not to do our own will when we avoid what the Scripture mentions: “Ways there are which to men seem right, but of which the end plunges down to the very depth of hell.” And again when we tremble at what is said of the careless: “They are corrupt and become abominable in their pleasures.” For amid the desires of the flesh let us know by faith that God is always present with us, as the prophet says to the Lord: “Lord, every one of my desires is before Thee.”, Thus therefore must one beware of evil desires, because death is stationed outside the entrance Edition: current; Page: [25] of delight. Psalm cxlvi. The Rule of St. Benedict 1 The Rule of Saint Benedict (Translated into English. But the discipline of authority towards children is to be universally observed by all. But let the abbot beware lest he ever receive into residence a monk from any known monastery without letters commendatory or his abbot’s consent, because it is written: “What thou dost not wish to be done to thee, do not to another.”. As says the prophet: “Seven times a day have I offered Thee praise.” The which sacred number of seven we fulfil in this way, if at Lauds Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers and Compline time we discharge the duties of our service. If the community be large let helpers be given him, that with their assistance he may still fulfil with equanimity the duties entrusted to him. Unless otherwise stated in the Copyright Information section above, this material may be used freely for educational and academic purposes. And again let some brother whose soul the fear of God possesses have a guest chamber assigned him and there let beds be prepared in sufficient number; and let the house of God be wisely conducted by wise men. Translated by J. M. Neale Each 3s. And if any of the artificers’ work is to be sold, let those who are to effect the transaction see to it that they presume not to bring about any fraudulent act. But at Compline let the same psalms be repeated daily; that is to say the fourth, ninetieth and the hundred and thirty-third. Not to speak useless or mirth-provoking words. In the matter of addressing one another by name let it be lawful for no one to address another simply by name, but let those placed above designate their juniors “Fratres,” and juniors call those placed above them “Nonnos” which is understood as in paternal reverence: but let the abbot, because he is seen to represent Christ, be called “Domnus” and “Abbas,” not as having taken it upon himself, but for honour and love of Christ. And let not the evil of avarice creep in in the matter of the prices charged for the goods; but let them always be sold somewhat more cheaply than they can be sold by others who are seculars, that in all things God may be glorified. Therefore, those excepted whom, as we have said, the abbot shall have promoted for weighty reason Edition: current; Page: [93] or shall have degraded for certain causes, let all the rest as they are one by one converted, so take their places, so that, for example, he who shall have come into the monastery at the second hour of a day shall know himself to be junior to him who came at the first hour of that day, of whatever age or dignity he may be. The more dignified and the intellectually minded let him correct by word at their first and second admonition; but the froward, the hard, the proud and the disobedient, let him coerce at the very first offence by the stripes of corporal punishment, knowing it is written: “A fool is not corrected by words”; and again: “Strike thy son with the rod and thou wilt free his soul from death.”. And concerning that promise of his let him make petition, calling to witness the saints whose relics are there and the abbot there present: the which petition let him write with his own hand, or at the least, if he is unlettered, let another write it at his request and let him, the novice, make his mark and with his own hand place it upon the altar: and when he shall have placed it there let the novice himself immediately begin this versicle: “O stablish me according to Thy word, that I may live: and let me not be disappointed of my hope”; which versicle let the whole community repeat thrice, adding “Gloria Patri.” Then let him, the novice brother, prostrate at the feet of all that they may pray for him; and from thenceforth let him be accounted one of the community.

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