why the rich shouldn t pay more taxes

Pelosi said ''we need jobs in order to get more revenue''. You may remember all the glowing predictions made for the December 2017 tax cuts by congressional Republicans and the Trump administration: Wages would soar for the rank-and-file, corporate investments would surge, and the cuts would pay for themselves. Voted up. The population of the United States of America is around 300 million citizens- if all those people were taxed $6,200 more, it would be an additional $1.86 trillion per year that the people of America would have to pay. Remember taxes are not paid for a specific project. The rich are not the special job creators just by being rich. Government doesn’t do anything particularly well. John McAfee, tech mogul and presidential candidate, arrested on suspicion of tax evasion. WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In response to President Trump’s threat to impose tariffs as high as 25 percent on imports from Mexico, Adam Brandon, FreedomWorks President, commented: WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In response to President Trump’s criticism of Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-Vt.) hypocrisy for refusing to pay more in federal income taxes, Adam Brandon, FreedomWorks President, commented: WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In light of comments from billionaires such as Warren Buffett, Howard Shultz, and Bill Gates, that wealthy American such as themselves should pay higher taxes, FreedomWorks has launched its “Pay Your Fair Share First” campaign that streamlines the process for contributing gifts to the federal government. Could Marcus and Catsimatidis make up the NIH’s budgetary gap out of their own wisely apportioned resources? In 2004 they had a one year amnesty at a 5 percent tax rate that lead to thousands losing their jobs, so much for trickle down economics. I don't want to make this debate about welfare. Simplicity at its finest. Everybody should have a fair and flat tax rate. Incidentally, Catsimatidis identifies himself as “honorary chairman of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity,” which turns out to be an anti-tax group co-founded in 2015 by economist Art Laffer and Steve Moore, who promoted the Kansas model and have been pushing half-baked and unsuccessful economic policies for years. Take roads and highways: the average individual benefits from them several times per day, as they drive from home to work, to run errands, etc. Yet where is the moral superiority in inherited wealth, often passed down from generation to generation?

Lol. It certainly does not. There is a direct correlation among countries today, and within countries over time, between effective and efficient governance, and the amount of trade and prosperity that occurs in that country.

Now tell me, if the wealthy man should pay more because of his use of the highway, then why should the poor man not pay more for his use of government-provided food? This is a similar question, asked a slightly different way in a different poll. On the other hand, an individual who benefits from a peaceful, modern, well-run society, but does not work at all, will also fail to amass significant wealth. I'm defending progressive taxation. Graham Gifford from New Hamphire on December 05, 2012: Interesting hub and interesting comments. But not everyone will return at once. It is important that children get a proper meal and education everyday, as you did! 4947, Elizabeth Warren's Tax Proposals Should Scare Every American, FreedomWorks Statement in Response to President Trump’s Tariff Threat Against Mexico, FreedomWorks Echoes President Trump’s Criticism of Sen. Bernie Sanders on Taxes, FreedomWorks Launches “Pay Your Fair Share First” Campaign in Advance of Tax Day 2019, Reject Calls for Confiscatory Marginal Tax Rates. As I said in the article, the dollar (or whatever unit of currency) is essentially a measure of utilization of community factors. But then you realize that, of course, the highways would be somewhat of a privatized construct. What I am really saying is: You can’t have your cake and eat it too. https://hubpages.com/politics/PRESIDENTBARACKOBAMA... https://hubpages.com/politics/barakobamacampaignpr... Obama promised hope and change will be coming to Washington. Because of this, Congress gave huge federal aid to build the Union Pacific, Central Pacific, and Northern Pacific Railroads (Folsom). Sure, it's still run by the government, but the government is essentially charging money for the use of the park. Cancel taxes for the rich. Nobody gets rich on their own. If someone is making more then it is THEIR choice if they want to give back donating or with charity etc. Stocks jump on stimulus hopes, Trump’s hospital departure. The one thing they will do is buy any election and choose your candidate. ( Log Out /  The question then becomes, who can? It is not.

However, I was referring also to small businesses that have to pay DOUBLE payroll tax--specifically, self-employed people who are treated by the system as both an "employer" and "employee" simultaneously.

Even if the rich can pay for their own services, simply by virtue of not being available for everyone, everybody, including the rich, is dragged down. Why should someone who lives in San Francisco pay to maintain Central Park in New York? But there must certainly be a higher tax rate for higher incomes. I think this is a hot-button topic and I enjoy the discussions that grow from such topics. His house is larger so his property taxes are disproportionately benefiting the school system, etc.

Something is unbalanced when 50% of the people are not paying federal taxes. Historically in the US most wealth was not inherited, but created.

Lowering taxes further is not the answer. Taking from the rich and giving to the poor is just discouraging people from working hard. The main problem though is that very few people start their own businesses, and those that do provide jobs for everyone else.

Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. FreedomWorks Originals provides you entertainment and education to help you better understand economics, the workings of government, and our insight into the most important debates facing our nation today. Americans donated a whopping $347 billion to charity in 2011. Yet they are still so greedy that they send it to off shore bank accounts to escape taxes. FreedomWorks is proud to roll out its 2020 policy platform for the Republican Party.

Senators Face Risks Over Proposal on Tax Cuts. Great Hub. Probably the biggest one is that it will never get built because the economics of it don't make sense for private investors. The trade occurs within that economic system. as for me and my family we will serve the lord ''AMEN. Raising taxes on the rich is wrong from a moral and pragmatic perspective. The system is skewed, and if it doesn't change fast, protests are going to get worse. Where is the difference with a person who wants a piece of fruit from the grocer, but is not willing to compensate the seller for his labor? Now, if that is the case, why do we have government controlling the fire departments in the first place? From another survey conducted a year later in 2011, Americans were asked whether the wealthy should be taxed more and the wealth redistributed, and results were split with 47 percent choosing redistribution and 49 percent disagreeing with the idea (Introduction to Should the Rich Pay Higher Taxes?,2). The rare success stories mask the millions who are left behind. It's not actually "free." The 1% are not "keeping the country afloat." FreedomWorks Foundation, American Legislative Exchange Council, Tea Party Patriots and Committee to Unleash Prosperity in partnership with a coalition of conservative organizations and prominent individuals, launched the Save Our Country Task Force. This is the crux of the billionaire’s anti-tax screed the world over, so it’s worth examining in detail. Some rich people donate money to the poor and needy but it isn't enough and people are starving! The Romer study concludes that when tax rates go higher than 33%, the government actually gets less money. We have learned throughout history that the type of government action that pushes tax rates to the highest possible maximum does not solve the National Deficit problem, and consequently, increases the National Deficit. So they could step in if they chose to spend almost all their money on this one effort, but that would leave nothing for museums, operas, etc.

A flat rate citizen's tax, and cutting entitlement programs would ensure everyone is treated equaly. Their so damn smart let them prove it elsewhere. But in reality, the rich benefit much more than the poor on a *proportional* basis. Although I disagree with you, I respect you for making a coherent and sturdy argument. He and a fellow billionaire have just explained why they shouldn’t pay more taxes. The middle class working has always carried the tax burden, the rich pass the tax burden to the poor and middle class. But somebody has to pay for these things. Progressive taxation existed long before the "progressivism" political ideology. People with less money have troubles everyday in all things. There are numerous possible explanations to why more people don’t donate to the government. Wake up, the Democrats have had 2/3s control of our government since 2007-2012.BLAMING THE REPUBLICANS FOR THE FISCAL CLIFF is for idiots to believe and die hard Democrat followers ( liberal & conservatives). Why do people have less money? taxes and transfers) means. And if people didn't have the incentive to make money in products, would Apple exist? secularist10 (author) from New York City on August 20, 2012: Ok, that's an interesting point. Should the wealthiest Americans pay more in taxes? The rich should pay more in taxes than the middle class or poor. In a way, everything is privately owned depending on how you define the word private. These things make market exchange as we know it possible. (That's a narrow way of looking at it, but you get the point. There hope is that we will blame the Democrats. The poster child for state tax-cutting is Kansas, which has become an economic black hole. See how prosperous the people are with no decent roads or bridges, no consumer protections, no functioning police forces. Forbes magazine considers one rich when he or she reaches one million dollars of income in a single year. And richs get the money from society, so they need to turn them back to the society. Watch and subscribe today! The Affirmative State, and the Black lives matter movement are discussed. The more trade you are doing, the more you are benefiting from that system. Why should a rich person that studied hard in university and payed his or her loan pay more? So both individual hard work and the larger socioeconomic environment are essential for personal wealth. The only way that any person becomes rich is because somehow the money was earned. So he gets one unit of human benefit.

Should the wealthiest Americans pay more in taxes? Plainly not. And they may have benefited indirectly by employing people educated by public schools, and purchasing from vendors who import goods through government-secured ports and shipping lanes. Under the Obama administration, the size of government has increased 25% and today the government controls 60% of the economy. The difference is that they manage their finances better, have less corruption and more transparency and run more efficiently. Now, wealthy people get tax breaks, which I do not agree with, the percentage should be somewhat equal across the board. As I said in the article, the wealthy individual has actually benefited MORE than another individual from the system. The economy is not a machine; it is made up of people.

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